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← search Guillaume de Digulleville's Le pèlerinage de la vie humaine W.141
Manuscript Overview
Bindings & Oddities


This allegorical text written in vernacular verse was inspired by Guillaume de Lorris's and Jean de Meun's Roman de la Rose. Composed ca. 1330-1332 by Guillaume de Digulleville with a second recension in 1355, this text represents the earlier of the two versions. Produced in northeast France in 1370, the Walters' copy contains a frontispiece miniature with a portrait of the author, as well as eighty-three tinted grisaille illustrations. These images are based on models consistent with contemporary thematic choices and contain abundant anecdotal detail, lending character to the text. As of spring 2014 the Institute for the Study of Textual History, Romance Languages in France has been gathering all reproductions of Digulleville's manuscripts. W. 141 is one of the few copies outside of France.

Hand note

Littera cursiva formata


Principal cataloger: Randall, Lilian M.C.

Cataloger: Shartrand, Emily

Editor: Herbert, Lynley

Copy editor: Dibble, Charles

Contributor: Brown, Emily

Contributor: Emery, Doug

Contributor: Noel, William

Contributor: Schuele, Allyson

Contributor: Tabritha, Ariel

Contributor: Toth, Michael B.

Contributor: Wiegand, Kimber

Conservator: Owen, Linda

Conservator: Quandt, Abigail


De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Vol. 1. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1935; p. 847, cat. no. 511.

Camille, Michael. "The Illustrated Manuscripts of Deguilieville's 'Pèlerinages,' 1330-1426. PhD Diss., Cambridge University, 1985; pp. 76-77, 104-106, 285-286, pls. 42, 58.

Randall, Lilian M.C. "From Cîteaux Onwards: Cistercian-Related Manscripts in the Walters Art Gallery." Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture 3. Edited by M.P. Lillich. Cistercian Studies 89 (1987): 111-136; p. 130, cat. no. 8.

Randall, Lilian M. C. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery. Vol. 1. France, 875-1420. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1989; pp. 190-194, cat. no. 72.

Alexander, Jonathan J.G. Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1992; p. 165 (n. 43).

Plebani, Tiziana. Il "genere" dei libri: Storie e rappresentazioni della lettura al femminile e al maschile tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Milan: Franco Angeli Editore, 2001; p. 70.

Peters, Ursula. "Werkauftrag und Buchübergabe. Textentstehungsgeschichten in Autorbildern volkssprachiger Handschriften des 12. bis 15. Jahrhunderts." In Autorbilder: Zur Medialität literarischer Kommunikation in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Edited by Gerald Kapfhammer, Wolf-Dietrich Löhr, and Barbara Nische, 25-62. Münster: Rhema-Verlag, 2007; p. 42.

Braet, Herman. "Les images inaugurales dans les manuscrits enlumines du pèlerinage de vie humaine en vers." In Guillaume de Diguelleville (1295 - apres 1358): Les Pèlerinages Allégoriques (4 Octobre au 8 Octobre 2006). Edited by Frédéric Duval and Fabienne Pomel, 43-52. Rennes: University of Rennes Press, 2008; pp. 50-51.

Peters, Ursula. Das Ich im Bild: Die Figur des Autors in volkssprachigen Bilderhandschriften des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2008; p. 152.

Poitral, Sophie. "Le voie de la sagesse au travers du manuscrit: La cas du Pèlerinage de vie humaine de Guillaume de Digulleville." In Le livre de sagesse: supports, médiations, usages: Actes du colloque de Metz (13-15 September 2006). Edited by Nicolas Brucker, 27-41. Bern: Peter Lang Publishing, 2008; pp. 27-32, 34, 36-40.

Legaré, Anne-Marie. "Les deux épouses de René d'Anjou et leurs livres." In Splendeur de l'enluminure: Le roi René et les livres. Exhibition Catalogue: Du 3 octobre 2009 au 3 janvier 2010 au Château d’Angers. Edited by Marc-Edouard Gautier and Francois Avril, 59-72. Arles and Paris: Actes Sud, 2010; p. 71.

Veysseyre, Géraldine. "Manuscrits à voir, manuscrits à lire, manuscrits lus: Les marginalia du Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine comme indices de sa réception médiévale." In The Pèlerinage Allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville: Tradition, Authority, and Influence. Edited by Marco Nievergelt and Stephanie A. Viereck Gibbs Kamath, 48-64. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2013; p. 51.

These are pages that we pulled aside that disrupted the flow of the manuscript reader. These may be bindings, inserts, bookmarks, and various other oddities.

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14th century
Literature -- Poetry

Origin Place

Northeast France (French Flanders)


Third quarter of the 14th century CE




Non-original Binding

Binding Description

Paris, France; bound by Léon Gruel in the early twentieth century in light tan fabric with a green velvet floral pattern and touches of gold; applied over a binding described in London, Sotheby's, 25 May, 1906 catalogue entry as olive morocco binding with brass corners containing coroneted "R" inscriptions


The primary language in this manuscript is French, Old (842-ca.1400).


Created in Northeast France

Inscription from fifteenth century reading "De da.../Cest livre est a moy J..." believed by De Ricci to reference Jacques of Armagnac, duke of Nemours

J. and J. Leighton, London, bought manuscript at the Sotheby's auction held on May 25, 1906

Léon Gruel, Paris, early twentieth century; Gruel and Engelmann bookplate with inscription "N 1120"

Henry Walters, Baltimore, purchased between ca. 1906 and 1931 from Gruel


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters' bequest

← search Guillaume de Digulleville's Le pèlerinage de la vie humaine W.141

Origin Place

Northeast France (French Flanders)


Third quarter of the 14th century CE




The primary language in this manuscript is French, Old (842-ca.1400).


Created in Northeast France

Inscription from fifteenth century reading "De da.../Cest livre est a moy J..." believed by De Ricci to reference Jacques of Armagnac, duke of Nemours

J. and J. Leighton, London, bought manuscript at the Sotheby's auction held on May 25, 1906

Léon Gruel, Paris, early twentieth century; Gruel and Engelmann bookplate with inscription "N 1120"

Henry Walters, Baltimore, purchased between ca. 1906 and 1931 from Gruel


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters' bequest

Manuscript Overview


This allegorical text written in vernacular verse was inspired by Guillaume de Lorris's and Jean de Meun's Roman de la Rose. Composed ca. 1330-1332 by Guillaume de Digulleville with a second recension in 1355, this text represents the earlier of the two versions. Produced in northeast France in 1370, the Walters' copy contains a frontispiece miniature with a portrait of the author, as well as eighty-three tinted grisaille illustrations. These images are based on models consistent with contemporary thematic choices and contain abundant anecdotal detail, lending character to the text. As of spring 2014 the Institute for the Study of Textual History, Romance Languages in France has been gathering all reproductions of Digulleville's manuscripts. W. 141 is one of the few copies outside of France.

Hand note

Littera cursiva formata



Principal cataloger: Randall, Lilian M.C.

Cataloger: Shartrand, Emily

Editor: Herbert, Lynley

Copy editor: Dibble, Charles

Contributor: Brown, Emily

Contributor: Emery, Doug

Contributor: Noel, William

Contributor: Schuele, Allyson

Contributor: Tabritha, Ariel

Contributor: Toth, Michael B.

Contributor: Wiegand, Kimber

Conservator: Owen, Linda

Conservator: Quandt, Abigail


De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Vol. 1. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1935; p. 847, cat. no. 511.

Camille, Michael. "The Illustrated Manuscripts of Deguilieville's 'Pèlerinages,' 1330-1426. PhD Diss., Cambridge University, 1985; pp. 76-77, 104-106, 285-286, pls. 42, 58.

Randall, Lilian M.C. "From Cîteaux Onwards: Cistercian-Related Manscripts in the Walters Art Gallery." Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture 3. Edited by M.P. Lillich. Cistercian Studies 89 (1987): 111-136; p. 130, cat. no. 8.

Randall, Lilian M. C. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery. Vol. 1. France, 875-1420. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1989; pp. 190-194, cat. no. 72.

Alexander, Jonathan J.G. Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1992; p. 165 (n. 43).

Plebani, Tiziana. Il "genere" dei libri: Storie e rappresentazioni della lettura al femminile e al maschile tra Medioevo ed età moderna. Milan: Franco Angeli Editore, 2001; p. 70.

Peters, Ursula. "Werkauftrag und Buchübergabe. Textentstehungsgeschichten in Autorbildern volkssprachiger Handschriften des 12. bis 15. Jahrhunderts." In Autorbilder: Zur Medialität literarischer Kommunikation in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Edited by Gerald Kapfhammer, Wolf-Dietrich Löhr, and Barbara Nische, 25-62. Münster: Rhema-Verlag, 2007; p. 42.

Braet, Herman. "Les images inaugurales dans les manuscrits enlumines du pèlerinage de vie humaine en vers." In Guillaume de Diguelleville (1295 - apres 1358): Les Pèlerinages Allégoriques (4 Octobre au 8 Octobre 2006). Edited by Frédéric Duval and Fabienne Pomel, 43-52. Rennes: University of Rennes Press, 2008; pp. 50-51.

Peters, Ursula. Das Ich im Bild: Die Figur des Autors in volkssprachigen Bilderhandschriften des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2008; p. 152.

Poitral, Sophie. "Le voie de la sagesse au travers du manuscrit: La cas du Pèlerinage de vie humaine de Guillaume de Digulleville." In Le livre de sagesse: supports, médiations, usages: Actes du colloque de Metz (13-15 September 2006). Edited by Nicolas Brucker, 27-41. Bern: Peter Lang Publishing, 2008; pp. 27-32, 34, 36-40.

Legaré, Anne-Marie. "Les deux épouses de René d'Anjou et leurs livres." In Splendeur de l'enluminure: Le roi René et les livres. Exhibition Catalogue: Du 3 octobre 2009 au 3 janvier 2010 au Château d’Angers. Edited by Marc-Edouard Gautier and Francois Avril, 59-72. Arles and Paris: Actes Sud, 2010; p. 71.

Veysseyre, Géraldine. "Manuscrits à voir, manuscrits à lire, manuscrits lus: Les marginalia du Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine comme indices de sa réception médiévale." In The Pèlerinage Allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville: Tradition, Authority, and Influence. Edited by Marco Nievergelt and Stephanie A. Viereck Gibbs Kamath, 48-64. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2013; p. 51.

Bindings & Oddities

These are pages that we pulled aside that disrupted the flow of the manuscript reader. These may be bindings, inserts, bookmarks, and various other oddities.

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14th century
Literature -- Poetry

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